Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fresh Produce!!! Sucking at Gardening :P

We tried to garden. We suck at it. We spent a lot of money on organic composted soil (truck loads), wood to build the raised beds, tools, seeds, starter plants, starter peat moss things, irrigation stuff, etc... then there was blood, sweat, tears, and much hope and killed anticipation. We got hit by: mold, insects, crickets, birds, deer, pheasants (yes, a bird, but a cool one, and rather large), and who-knows-what. We rarely got to eat any of our home grown food, and it got more than frustrating, so we quit. No green thumbs here. We did find that rosemary can't be killed, either that or it just loves us. Aloe is pretty awesome as well.

Since we eat non-GMO, organic produce, and want it fresh as can be... what are our other options??? CSA. Community Supported Agriculture. You commit to buying a box of produce every week, the CSA gathers produce from local organic farms and boxes them up and delivers to your house (at least here they do). Awesome! Then there are Farmer's Markets. I have a hard time believing that most of these are organic farms, I find the sellers say whatever you wish to hear to make the sell. Is there anyway we can be more certain? I don't need them to be certified organic, just using organic seeds and organic means, but how do you know for sure? Then there are the small health food stores (NOT Whole Foods), who do deserve to be rewarded with the communities money as people (like us) are thankful that they do exist.

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