Friday, July 5, 2013


I'm going to be blunt... because I get fed up, not many will see this post anyway, and people rationalize way too much for my sanity.

Most people's health and weight issues have everything to do with eating stuff that is NOT EVEN FOOD. They are food-like products. They are fake, they are processed, they are artificial, they are chemicals- poisons- and harmful in every level, they are crap-ola. Research proves they are horrible, toxic, disease-causing, hazardous to human health... But still you eat them! WTH!

Most people, I find, don't even know what REAL FOOD is...??? Seriously! If it comes in a box, in a can, in a package, if it is surrounded in plastic, if it sits on a shelf, if you didn't make it yourself completely, if it it didn't grow on a plant or on a tree or in the ground, it ISN'T FOOD! There are 17 ingredients in McDonalds french fries people! That isn't food!

I really don't give a crap if you wish to kill yourself with your food choices, just stop rationalizing it. Know what you are choosing to eat and what you are choosing to feed your family. Get real. Wake up.

Really, your kids won't eat anything except McNuggets or sugar cereals or pizza pockets.... Whaaa, Whaaa, Whaaa... Stop buying it, stop giving it to them, STOP! And when they get hungry enough they will eat the food you have in your house... the REAL FOOD... and you will be actually nourishing their growing bodies. They will learn to appreciate actual food. But you have to abide by this yourself. No sneaky junk. And guess what? You will feel and look better too! Bonus!

One more time... Real food is: non-GMO ---- vegetables, fruits, raw nuts/seeds, legumes, whole grains, 
... and if you must, but definitely not for me... organic, free-range, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, meats from the butcher and omega-3 eggs from free range chickens near your home. Dairy milk is NOT food (you are NOT a baby cow, and pasteurization is horrible, and milk-products... again, not good.
Don't ask me why, google is your friend.

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