Tuesday, July 9, 2013

To Gray Or Not To Gray That Is The Question.

Almost a third of women under 30 are already going gray (some start in their teens). 80 percent of American women color their hair (WTH!). 30% of women notice grays in their 40's.

Grey hair... Dying it.... Bleaching... Hiding it... Society's obsession with youth and looking young...Toxins, brain damage, Alzheimers, severe reactions to hair dye chemicals... Artificial, fake, unnatural... Expensive.

Being brave... Liberating... Authentic... Being real... Healthy... Learning to love your true self... Confidence.

Are you ready to stop poisoning your brain, your body? All of it is bad, "natural" doesn't always mean safe. Read the labels. I will post about henna at the bottom of this post. They are all risky... and years of that? Is it worth it for vanity? I'd rather die getting hit by a bus, than from years of dying my hair every 6 weeks.

Since I have researching about this, I am look at those statistics- almost all the women above age 40 are dying their hair, I can now spot those who dye their hair pretty well now. On many it looks fake, it looks weird. And I also notice those who don't and those who are transitioning to their natural colors. Gosh, they are gorgeous!

25% of the population will react to the chemicals in hair dye, even if they haven't in the past, just one day your body has had enough... and it can kill you (rare that it is). It is extremely toxic. And when you research what it does to your brain, it is not worth looking younger.

The fact is, even if you dye it... you have grey hair, it grows out of you. Poison yourself or embrace grays and let it be weird perhaps and learn to not care what others think. Let it be empowering, liberating, healing.

What are your thoughts? Too scared to let the grays out? Scared you might be mistaken for being your age or a bit older? What are you so scared of? Don't the toxins scare you? Who do you think you are fooling and why do you want to?

I'm asking myself all of these questions and more as I contemplate letting silver hair sprinkle though my dark curls. I found my first grays at age 20. I started hiding them just a few years ago. Every time I dye the roots... I am very unsure about it all. It is the only unhealthy thing I do... and I do not like it it. It isn't me.

Henna: The only truly natural, plant-derived, permanent hair color is henna -- and not even every shade of it. John Masters, of the eponymous salon and beauty brand, says, "The lone shade that's 100 percent natural is that orange-red one, which doesn't suit many people." Henna is also famously unpredictable in its saturation, so it's no surprise that he -- like most professional colorists -- prefers not to use it." ("Henna, itself, DOES NOT come in a range of colors.
The only dye molecule in henna (Lawsonia Inermis) in sufficient quantity to stain hair is Lawsone , which is a red-orange molecule. Any company that claims they create the wide range of henna colors with 100% henna, using roots, bark, or other parts of the henna plant to achieve their colors is …… lying or seriously ignorant. Only henna leaves are useful for dying hair, and other parts of the henna plant do not dye hair other colors. Chemicals, metallic salts or other plants must be added to henna to make any color other than red. These pre-mixed colors are compound hennas. If you buy a box labeled henna that claims to dye hair blonde, brown or black, there is something other than henna in that box.") Plus Henna is permanent, you can't fix it if it comes out bad.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fresh Produce!!! Sucking at Gardening :P

We tried to garden. We suck at it. We spent a lot of money on organic composted soil (truck loads), wood to build the raised beds, tools, seeds, starter plants, starter peat moss things, irrigation stuff, etc... then there was blood, sweat, tears, and much hope and killed anticipation. We got hit by: mold, insects, crickets, birds, deer, pheasants (yes, a bird, but a cool one, and rather large), and who-knows-what. We rarely got to eat any of our home grown food, and it got more than frustrating, so we quit. No green thumbs here. We did find that rosemary can't be killed, either that or it just loves us. Aloe is pretty awesome as well.

Since we eat non-GMO, organic produce, and want it fresh as can be... what are our other options??? CSA. Community Supported Agriculture. You commit to buying a box of produce every week, the CSA gathers produce from local organic farms and boxes them up and delivers to your house (at least here they do). Awesome! Then there are Farmer's Markets. I have a hard time believing that most of these are organic farms, I find the sellers say whatever you wish to hear to make the sell. Is there anyway we can be more certain? I don't need them to be certified organic, just using organic seeds and organic means, but how do you know for sure? Then there are the small health food stores (NOT Whole Foods), who do deserve to be rewarded with the communities money as people (like us) are thankful that they do exist.

Friday, July 5, 2013


I'm going to be blunt... because I get fed up, not many will see this post anyway, and people rationalize way too much for my sanity.

Most people's health and weight issues have everything to do with eating stuff that is NOT EVEN FOOD. They are food-like products. They are fake, they are processed, they are artificial, they are chemicals- poisons- and harmful in every level, they are crap-ola. Research proves they are horrible, toxic, disease-causing, hazardous to human health... But still you eat them! WTH!

Most people, I find, don't even know what REAL FOOD is...??? Seriously! If it comes in a box, in a can, in a package, if it is surrounded in plastic, if it sits on a shelf, if you didn't make it yourself completely, if it it didn't grow on a plant or on a tree or in the ground, it ISN'T FOOD! There are 17 ingredients in McDonalds french fries people! That isn't food!

I really don't give a crap if you wish to kill yourself with your food choices, just stop rationalizing it. Know what you are choosing to eat and what you are choosing to feed your family. Get real. Wake up.

Really, your kids won't eat anything except McNuggets or sugar cereals or pizza pockets.... Whaaa, Whaaa, Whaaa... Stop buying it, stop giving it to them, STOP! And when they get hungry enough they will eat the food you have in your house... the REAL FOOD... and you will be actually nourishing their growing bodies. They will learn to appreciate actual food. But you have to abide by this yourself. No sneaky junk. And guess what? You will feel and look better too! Bonus!

One more time... Real food is: non-GMO ---- vegetables, fruits, raw nuts/seeds, legumes, whole grains, 
... and if you must, but definitely not for me... organic, free-range, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, meats from the butcher and omega-3 eggs from free range chickens near your home. Dairy milk is NOT food (you are NOT a baby cow, and pasteurization is horrible, and milk-products... again, not good.
Don't ask me why, google is your friend.