Friday, October 28, 2011

Growing Babies- Healthy Pregnancy Equals Healthy Baby

One of the most important things we do is bring children into this world. It is huge. It is amazing.

Many do not think about the health of the mother and father BEFORE they conceive. Having a healthy father and a healthy mother is the foundation of growing a healthy baby.

Once you are pregnant, you should be very conscious of growing a healthy baby. This includes the foods you eat, as well as your environment and your thoughts. A healthy pregnancy benefits not only the baby but the mother, to insure a healthy, easy birth without complications.

You are a mother as soon as you are carrying a baby within you, and that baby is depending on you for it's health and well being.

I'm sure you want a healthy happy baby. No parent dreams of having a child with: autism, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, complications, disfigured, premature, etc. These are our fears.

Eating right and living a healthy lifestyle can give your baby the best start he/she can have.

I will guide you to growing a healthy baby. I will support you and ease your fears and concerns. I will give you information on concerns you may have so you can make the right decisions for you and your family.

I was told I couldn't conceive. I changed my diet and added herbs and supplements, and other lifestyle changes... nine months later I was pregnant. I went on to have three healthy beautiful easy pregnancies and now have three amazing children. I was very focused on growing healthy children, before pregnancy, during and after birth in regards to the quality of my breast milk and their lifestyle (lighting, noise, clothing, toys, touch).

Talk with me today about scheduling a FREE consultation and see how my program can support you and your growing family. 808-269-2701. I see people in person on Maui and over the phone all over the world.

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